This cake recipe is the result of a discontinued, but wonderful box mix. It is a chocolate cake that slices to reveal a beautiful white coconut center....
This is a recipe from my Mom. She made me a cookbook of favorite recipes when I left home. Her note is, 'this is handy when you don't have an egg in the...
This is a very rich cake, a small piece goes a long way. The best way to describe it is that it's a cross between a moist brownie and fudge. Be sure to...
This cake recipe is the result of a discontinued, but wonderful box mix. It is a chocolate cake that slices to reveal a beautiful white coconut center....
This is a quick dessert that any chocolate lover will flip over. It is also low in sugar and low in fat. Any variety of nut can be substituted for the...
This is my mother-in-law's grandmother's recipe from the Depression era. When eggs and milk were in very short supply she created this recipe out of need....
This is my mother-in-law's grandmother's recipe from the Depression era. When eggs and milk were in very short supply she created this recipe out of need....
Warm, soft and gooey chocolate cakes. Perfect for that ubiquitous chocolate fix. A good-quality bittersweet chocolate is necessary for the succes of these...
This is my favorite chocolate cake ever. Given to me by a friend as a 'get well' cake, I've managed to coerce him into giving me the recipe. So good it...
Warm, soft and gooey chocolate cakes. Perfect for that ubiquitous chocolate fix. A good-quality bittersweet chocolate is necessary for the succes of these...
Warm, soft and gooey chocolate cakes. Perfect for that ubiquitous chocolate fix. A good-quality bittersweet chocolate is necessary for the succes of these...
My sister nicknamed me 'spintz' years ago for some unknown reason. When I invented this cake, she named it after me. It is very rich - moist chocolate,...
My sister nicknamed me 'spintz' years ago for some unknown reason. When I invented this cake, she named it after me. It is very rich - moist chocolate,...